Title                   : Bank Heist

Files                   : theist.bsp, readme's, textures and sounds

Release Date (DD/MM/YY) : 22/07/99
Author                  : SteelHORN
Email Address           : imurray@btinternet.com
Web Site                : 

Description             : Map for TEAMPLAY Action Quake (http://action.telefragged.com).
                          This, to my knoweldge is, is the first AQ2 map with an objective other
			  than killing all the other team. You can also bag the loot by 
			  escaping in the getaway truck.  Before you can do this you must
			  deactivate the security.  At least 8 players i rekon.  If you are
			  interested in how it was done, the engine for the triggers is in the 
			  maintenance room next to the 'truck' room.  Highest r_speed < 900. 

Installation            : * Unzip theist.ZIP into Quake2/Action directory.
Additional Credits to   : Special thanks to Rogue for help throughout development of the 
		          map, happy now :)
			  Rage for help with testing, comments, hype and the cool little demo of
			  what to do in the map.
			  MadDog (www.gamedesign.net) for the inspiration on how to reset
			  the map for each round.  CryptR (actcity) and Ruskprick (when i
			  killed the teacher) for some textures.  Bunnyx (bxtrain2) for the
			  idea of flowing textures.
			  'Sounds of America' for some of the sounds.
			  Deathwalker and Sexual Chocolate (blame him for the loo)for map ideas.			  	  Weaponx,DeathWalker, Bobalob, P and Sex Chocolate
			  for alpha testing and comments.
			  Above + AWOL, Cheesbury, Loser and Screech (nice bug you found)
			  for teamplay beta tests.
			  And last but not least Wireplay, in particular Stikky
			  for providing a test server (and Streaky for trying to)

* Play Information *

Game                      : Action Quake (Quake2)
Single player             : Yes (only for looking around)
Cooperative 2-4 players   : No
Deathmatch 2-8 players    : Yes (TEAMPLAY ONLY, i recommend at least 8 players)

New Graphics              : Yes 
New Music                 : No
New Sounds                : Yes
DLL                       : No

* Construction *

Base                      : New level from scratch
Build time                : +2 months
Compile Machine           : K6-2 350MHz, 64M RAM
    QBSP3 Time            : 40 secs
    QVIS3 Time            : 11663 sec
    QRAD3 Time            : 26900 sec

Editor(s) Used            : WorldCraft 1.6a, Goldwave, Paint Shop Pro, Wally

Known Bugs                : On the odd occasion you may here the truck start or an exposion
			    going off about 12 seconds into the round.  This is because
			    a trigger (e.g. the truck) was activated just before the round end
			    the sounds you hear are a consequence of putting that right.
			    Be careful on the truck, you sometimes get flattened.  I've tried 
			    my best to minimize this problem but I think it is a lag issue.

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional
levels without permission from me.

You may distribute this BSP, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc)
as long as you include this file intact.

* Where to get this BSP *

Mail me!