-=< Info >=------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title                     : Streetwar

Archive                   : street.zip

Release date              : 17th of August 2000

Author                    : [FAEN]Gusto

Email address             : c-gm@online.no

Web sites                 : http://www.clanfaen.net

Description               : A city-style map for Action Quake2 (http://aq2.action-web.net).
                            It has some narrow alleys and corners so it should be cool for all 
                            you sneaky bastards with handcannons. :)
                            There's also open areas for the snipers and automonkeys. 
                            This is my second map.  
                            Have fun and remember: FAEN 0w|\|5 j00!
Installation	          : Unzip streetwars.zip into root of your Action Quake
                            game folder (Quake2/action), with Subdirectories
                            enabled (!), so that all textures will be
                            unzipped into correct directories (Use Folder names
                            checkbox in WinZip or -d switch in PKUnZip).
Additional credits to     : Mats 'Ruskprick' Holm for letting me modify his textures.
			    Per 'Ellusion' Nyhaug for letting me use some of his textures.
			    TTI: tti_box1.wal.
			    Scuzzy: 6 textures. (Gave me some lightning tips too.)

Previous maps		  : Gangbang by Gusto and ole_dirty. (http://www.quakeclan.net/faen/gangbang.zip)
			    (It sucks, but you might as well download it!)
Other information         : The map has been done for a while. I waited to compile the map with quality lightning
			    until I got a new computer, and even after I got the new computer it took a while
			    until I started compiling. Oh, there's also a demo in the zip, with two useful jumps. 

-=< Play information >=---------------------------------------------------------

Game                      : Action mod for Quake2
Single player             : Yes (but nothing to kill)
Teamplay                  : Yes
Deathmatch 2-10 players   : Yes 

New Graphics              : Yes. Textures named "g_*.wal"  
New Music                 : No
New Sounds                : No
DLL                       : No

* Construction *

Base                      : New level from scratch
Build time                : Maaad long
Build machine             : P 233Mhz MMX, 64mb RAM
Compile machine           : AMD Duron 650Mhz, 64mb RAM
 QBSP3                    : 10 seconds
 QVIS3 -level 4           : 806 seconds
 ARGHRAD -extra           : 2772 seconds (Too many lights, didn't bother to remove them)

Editors used              : Qoole99, Wally, PS5

Known bugs                : "High" r_speeds. Depends on your computer. It didn't go so well on my 233.
			    The lightning goes through doors. There's probably an easy way to fix this, 
			    but I'm not going to. 

-=< Copyright / Permissions >=----------------------------------------------------

Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. 
You may use the textures as long as you give credit.

You may distribute this BSP, provided you include this file, with
no modifications, but please distribute original unmodified archive
which can be obtained from my Web site.  You may distribute this file
in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you
include this file intact.