Title                   : Neighborhood by JFL
Filename                : Neighborhood.zip
Version                 : 7/30/1999
Game                    : Quake2
Mod                     : Action
Authors                 : JFL (j.f.l@videotron.ca)
Description             : Six little houses and a street...

* Play Information *

Single Player           : Yes (Just for checking things)
Cooperative             : No
Deathmatch              : Yes (Team or DM)
Difficulty Settings     : No
New Graphics            : Yes (From the city by Ruskprick)
New Sky                 : drksky (I dont know from who)
New Sounds              : Yes (I dont know from who)
CD Track                : No

* Construction *

Base                    : From scratch
Editors used            : WinQoole 2.50 & Qoole99,
Build Time              : Around 8hrs
Known Bugs              : None
Compile machine         : Abit BH6 motherboard, Celeron 300a @ 504MHz,
                          128Mb, 8.2Gb Maxtor diamond HDD.
Compile time            :
                          Qbsp3          : 3 seconds
                          Qvis3 -fast    : 11 seconds
                          ArghRad -extra : 3494 seconds (58 minutes)

* Installation *

Just unzip to your X:\quake2\action directory (With subdirectories enabled).

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels, that why
i include the "map" in the zip, but please give me credit for the base.
Files can be freely distributed. This level cannot be sold.