Title                   : Nakatomi Tower, floor 30
Filename                : makatomi.bsp
Game			: Action Quake 2
Author                  : Shadowfire
Email Address           : m.uhlar@gmx.de
Description             : The assembly hall of Nakatomi tower from the "Die Hard" movie,
                          where the terrorists were holding the hostages. Real fans of
                          the movie will also recognize some other spots throughout the
                          Like in the movie, the elevators are shut down. To move a level
                          up or down, do it like John did - take the stairs.
                          Don't try to climp the rope in the freight elevator shaft, this
                          cables are greasy. Not even John could make it.
Additional Credits to   : A-Team for this great mod
                          ID Software for the nice engine
                          The QERadient, Qoole and Wally makers
                          Tim Wright the creator of Arghrad

* Play Information *

Single Player           : NO (only for sightseeing ;)
Cooperative             : NO 
Deathmatch              : 17 start locations
Recommended # of players: 2-16
Teamplay                : YES
Difficulty Settings     : NO
New Sounds              : YES
New Graphics            : YES
New Sky                 : NO


* Construction *

Base                    : Scratch
Editors used            : map editing - QERadiant, Qoole
                          textures    - Wally
Known Bugs              : some not nice looking lighting artifacts on the 2nd floor in the
                          room with all the broken glass on the floor. I did't manage to
                          get rid off it. It has no effects on the gameplay.
Build Time              : 2 Weeks
Compile Time		: 7 hours on a P2 300, 96MB RAM



unzip the all the files to quake2\action

(if something goes wrong...)

bsp-file  : quake2\action\maps\
wal-files : quake2\action\textures\shadowfire\
wav-files : quake2\action\sound\shadowfire


* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without my permission.
All textures and sounds MAY NOT be used for other maps without asking me.
You may distribute this map as you found it in the nakatomi.zip archive.