Title                   : Kaq2 - Industrial mine.
Filename                : kaq2.zip
Date finnished          : April 4th 2000
Game                    : Action Quake 2 
Author                  : Phillip Basil-jones (Killazontherun)
Description             : Based on a mine.
Thanks to               : ID, Makers of qeradient, Makers of Action. Crowbar, Jar-Jar for testing.

* Play Information *

Single Player           : Just to look!
Cooperative             : No
Deathmatch              : Action DM!
AQ2 Teamplay            : Yep
Difficulty Settings     : No
New Graphics            : YES, Textures and enviro by me.               
New Music               : No
CD Track                : No

* Installation *

Unzip to your \Quake2\Action directory (with subdirectories enabled).
Make sure the bsp is in \Quake2\Action\maps directory.
Textures must be in \Quake2\Action\textures\kaq2 folder.
and the Enviro must be in \Quake2\Action\env\ folder.

* Copyright / Permissions *
This text file must be distributed with any version of this level.

You can use the textures/enviro in this map as long as you contact me before hand,
and include me in the credits.