Instructions: extract the archive, preserving directories, to your quake2/action directory.
Title                   : Cinema - All the speed of your favourite action film - _with_ 			  the cost of a ticket!
Filename                : cinema.bsp, and assorted textures and a sound.
Author                  : Richard Newman (Holy Goat)
Email Address           :
Description             : Brand new map based on a cinema (or 'movie theatre' I think in 			the US - hang on, in the US that'd be 'movie theater' wouldn't it? 			:).                          
Where to get ActionQ2   :
* Play Information *

Single Player           : Well, yes, but it's not very fun :)
Cooperative             : As for single player.
Deathmatch		: Yes, though weapons are a bit strange.
Action Quake2		: Yes.
Difficulty Settings     : No.
New Sounds              : Yes
New Graphics            : Yes
New Music               : No
Demos Replaced          : None

* Construction *
Base                    : That big empty grid you get when you start out afresh... :)
Editor(s) used          : QERadiant and Notepad.
Known Bugs              : Door handles go into the wall a bit in the corridors to the 				screen. If explosive windows are destroyed by a grenade, Quake2 			crashes (but you can only see them in SP anyway). Cool. Oops. Other 			bug reports, um, sort of welcome! :) 
* Build Time *
About 3 days (on and off) to make.
	QBSP3: 62 seconds
	QVIS3 (full): around 24 hours, which I regret.	
	QRAD3: 9393 seconds (around 2 1/2 hours).

I started this because I had nothing to do :). Then I saw the contest thing on the AQ2 page, so I decided to go for it. 
The projector sound was made entirely from scratch with an old ratchet screwdriver and a crappy mic, and all textures were done in Photoshop (tho I hate the Q2 palette :))
Thanks to Chris Norris aka Toadster, who offered to build this tho I ended up doing it myself, and to Pacman and Masterdog who respectively offered to test and expressed an interest in the map.
And thanks to my brother for his constant complaining :)
Hope you enjoy!