2 August 2000
Title                   : Camp of the MOOSE!
			  Fourth release
Map Filename            : campmc.bsp
Game			: Action Quake2
Author                  : Simon 'Surreal' Robinson, aka 'Razzimatazz'
Email Address           : razzimatazz@hotmail.com
Web Addresses           : - http://www.planetfortress.com/factory
			  - http://moose.cjb.net
Description             : Revised version #4 after comments from AQMD, likely final version.
			: Medium sized over-detailed summer camp, for Moose enthusiasts, in 			: the middle of a forest, with rock outcrops too.
Additional Credits to   : The Moose Cannons, the greatest aq2 clan ever, for testin n stuff.
			: Old man Purge, as usual deserves credit.
			: (see below for texture information)

* Play Information *

Single Player           : For testing purposes only
Cooperative             : No
Deathmatch              : 6-12+ would get crowded
Teamplay                : Yes, Teamplay rules! 6-16 players will be fine!
Difficulty Settings     : No
New Sounds              : Yes, a fewwwww
New Graphics/Textures   : Yes, many, see below!

* Construction *

Base                    : None
Editor(s) used          : Worldcraft1.6, Wally, PSP, etc
Known Bugs              : only in the bushes and stuff, crickets etc, some cockroaches.
Build Time              : 4 months on and off... And then 3 months waiting for aqmd.
Final Compile Time	: - QBSP3   =  600 seconds
			  - QVIS3   = 5400 seconds
			  - ArghRAD = 12000 seconds 
			: On a p3-450 / 64 meg ram

unzip to quake2\action
all files should flow directly into their assigned folders!


- All textures beginning with 's' are the property of ME, you must credit ME if you use these textures!
- The textures beginning with 'snb_' are property of .........
- The textures beginning with 'x' are property of Ruskprick I believe
- Textures starting with 'jnground__' or 'dm__' or tutfloor1, are used with permisson from the Wally website.
-The Moose paintings are from the Ultimate Moose Web Page.

Copyright (c) 2000 Simon Robinson. All rights reserved.

This map may be electronically distributed only, with no charge to the recipient, as
long as the contents of this zip file and it's text file remain intact and unchanged.

This map may not be distributed on any CD-ROM without the prior, explicit written
consent by the author.