
Title                   : 	alley 2

Filename                : 	alley2.bsp

Game			: 	AQ2
Author                  : 	Jesper Myrfors
Email Address           : 	ithaqua@wiredweb.com
Web Address             : 	---

Description             : 	ALLEY 2. This map is a dowtown waterfront area from the old pulp novels. Think "The Shadow" and "Doc Savage". It is a smaller map than alley1 and features new textures as well. There is one clipping problem in a doorway and I have not been able to fix it. However it doesn't effect gameplay so I am releasing the map anyway.

Additional Credits to   : Id software, wally, arghrad 2.0 (wow)
                          photoshop, bryce 3d, and skypaint.
		          map depot for doing an awesome job of keeping
		          the action quake community in high quality maps.
			  The folks who brought us action quake!


* Play Information *

Single Player           : NO
Cooperative             : NO
Deathmatch              : YES 2+
Teamplay                : YES
Difficulty Settings     : NO
New Sounds              : no
New textures            : YES
New sky                 : YES 


* Construction *

Editor(s) used          : QEradiant
Known Bugs              : NO
Build Time              : 6 weeks
Compile Time		: 9hrs
Notes:                  : These were primarily designed for Lan play and run great on my lan. 6 pentiumII 300s with tnt cards. I hope they can be used by others, good luck.



unzip the all the files to quake2\action

(if something goes wrong...)

the wal-files : quake2\action\textures\jestest2\
the pcx-files : quake2\action\env\
the tga-files : quake2\action\env\
the bsp-file  : quake2\action\maps\


* Copyright / Permissions *

Do not use any of these maps in a commercial product without my permission.
All textures and skies are copyright 1999  Jesper Myrfors
This readme must be copied with the maps.

If you are going to use the textures or skies to make your own levels, or levels for posting to the net then PLEASE feel free to use the textures and skies. Just credit me in the readme document and state my copyright to my skies and textures.It may seem extreme and counter to the freeness of the web, but trust me, if you don't cover yourself some "suit" is going to rush in and rape your efforts for his/her own profit. It's our support of our hobby that keeps this thing going, let's stick together, but stay smart.